
Film Screening: H2Oil

Last night Olivia Chow hosted a screening of H2Oil at the Bloor cinema.

Olivia Chow, MC

The film portrays the alarming story of what the tar sands are doing to the water in the Athabasca river. All sorts of run off is getting into the river and contaminating the drinking supply. The film mainly focused around how this contamination is affecting a first nations community, but also on some water bottlers (because they were friends of the film maker). The latter focus noticeably weakened the film's impact.

H2Oil Panel members discuss the tar sands

1 comment:

Leanne said...

I think this film should have more strongly emphasized the widespread impact of the Tar Sands. Seepage into the Athabasca will endanger much of North America's fresh water supply.
It is tragic what is happening to the local community up there, but they are only the first to experience this sudden increase in cancer. These effects will become more and more widespread with time, and as this project continues to grow in scale.

The film really gave me a better sense of the scale of the Tar Sands. I am genuinely afraid.