
Funny Quote About The New Pedestrian Scramble

From City News:
It's that kind of pronouncement that angers drivers, who will now be forced to wait a lot longer at the lights, increasing their already simmering impatience and their feeling that City Hall is at war with the car.

"You've got to keep traffic moving somehow, and to hold up traffic just so a few pedestrians can cross wherever they want doesn't make sense," moans motorist Bryan Lawrence about the four way stop.
I love their choice of words, particularly "moans" and "simmering impatience." The hyperbolic words clash with the triviality of the situation and make the motorist's concerns seem entirely inconsequential.


Anonymous said...

Dear Bryan Lawrence: How about leaving your car at home for a change and join the "privileged pedestrian class"

And it is clear that City News has nobody on their writing staff who bikes in Toronto or they'd know City Hall's biggest allies are drivers in the war against alternative transportation...

zooplah said...

I love their choice of words, particularly "moans" and "simmering impatience." The hyperbolic words clash with the triviality of the situation and make the motorist's concerns seem entirely inconsequential.
Well, that's how a lot of motorists are (a second wasted is just too much to bear), and yes, they do seem pretty inconsequential.